Temporal and spatial progression of microstructural cerebral degeneration in ALS: A multicentre longitudinal diffusion tensor imaging study.

Journal: NeuroImage. Clinical

Objective: The corticospinal tract (CST) reveals progressive microstructural alterations in ALS measurable by DTI. The aim of this study was to evaluate fractional anisotropy (FA) along the CST as a longitudinal marker of disease progression in ALS.

Methods: The study cohort consisted of 114 patients with ALS and 110 healthy controls from the second prospective, longitudinal, multicentre study of the Canadian ALS Neuroimaging Consortium (CALSNIC-2). DTI and clinical data from a harmonized protocol across 7 centres were collected. Thirty-nine ALS patients and 61 controls completed baseline and two follow-up visits and were included for longitudinal analyses. Whole brain-based spatial statistics and hypothesis-guided tract-of-interest analyses were performed for cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses.

Results: FA was reduced at baseline and longitudinally in the CST, mid-corpus callosum (CC), frontal lobe, and other ALS-related tracts, with alterations most evident in the CST and mid-CC. CST and pontine FA correlated with functional impairment (ALSFRS-R), upper motor neuron function, and clinical disease progression rate. Reduction in FA was largely located in the upper CST; however, the longitudinal decline was greatest in the lower CST. Effect sizes were dependent on region, resulting in study group sizes between 17 and 31 per group over a 9-month interval. Cross-sectional effect sizes were maximal in the upper CST; whereas, longitudinal effect sizes were maximal in mid-callosal tracts.

Conclusions: Progressive microstructural alterations in ALS are most prominent in the CST and CC. DTI can provide a biomarker of cerebral degeneration in ALS, with longitudinal changes in white matter demonstrable over a reasonable observation period, with a feasible number of participants, and within a multicentre framework.