Asciminib plus dasatinib and prednisone for Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute leukemia.

Journal: Blood

Dasatinib is effective treatment for Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph+) acute leukemia but some patients develop resistance. Combination treatment with dasatinib and asciminib, an allosteric inhibitor of BCR::ABL1, may deepen responses and prevent the emergence of dasatinib-resistant clones. In this phase 1 study (NCT03595017), 24 adults with Ph+ acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL, n=22; p190, n=16; p210, n=6) and chronic myeloid leukemia in lymphoid blast crisis (CML-LBC, n=2) were treated with escalating daily doses of asciminib in combination with dasatinib 140 mg daily plus prednisone 60 mg/m2 daily to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD). After a 28-day induction, dasatinib and asciminib continued indefinitely or until hematopoietic stem cell transplant. The median age was 64.5 years (range, 33-85; 50% ³65). The recommended phase 2 dose of asciminib was 80 mg daily in combination with dasatinib and prednisone. The dose limiting toxicity at 160 mg daily was asymptomatic grade 3 pancreatic enzyme elevation without symptomatic pancreatitis. There were no vaso-occlusive events. Among patients with de novo ALL, the complete hematologic remission rate at day 28 and 84 was 84% and 100%, respectively. At day 84, 100% of patients achieved complete cytogenetic remission, 89% achieved measurable residual disease negativity (<0.01%) by multicolor flow cytometry, and 74% and 26% achieved BCR::ABL1 RT-PCR <0.1% and <0.01%. Dual BCR::ABL1 inhibition with dasatinib and asciminib is safe with encouraging activity in patients with de novo Ph+ ALL. NCT02081378.

Marlise Luskin, Mark Murakami, Julia Keating, Yael Flamand, Eric Winer, Jacqueline Garcia, Maximilian Stahl, Richard Stone, Martha Wadleigh, Stella Jaeckle, Ella Hagopian, David Weinstock, Jessica Liegel, Malgorzata Mcmasters, Eunice Wang, Wendy Stock, Daniel Deangelo