A Child with COVID-19 Complicated by Rapidly Progressive Severe Organizing Pneumonia: A Case Report.
Journal: Hawai'i Journal Of Health & Social Welfare
A 2-year-old boy tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 and, after 30 days of mild-moderate respiratory symptoms, suddenly deteriorated and required extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Lung biopsy was performed with findings consistent with organizing pneumonia. He received intensive therapy with high-dose methylprednisolone, intravenous immune globulin, rituximab, and plasmapheresis without improvement. He died after 85 days hospitalization. This case highlights unique presentations of COVID-19 and reaffirms the concept that, while rare in Hawai'i, pediatric COVID-19 is an ongoing problem and that severe, even fatal, disease can occur.
Tiffany Lau, Anirban Dutta, Prashant Purohit, Karen Thompson, Kara Yamamoto, Andrew Feng, Timothy Beaty, Marian Melish, Bryscen Prothero, David Kurahara, Brian Wu, Edward Fong, Rodolfo Bégué
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