Adie's pupil and systemic manifestations: a rare unilateral presentation.

Journal: GMS Ophthalmology Cases

We present a case of a young woman who presented with blurring of vision in her right eye, worsening on near work. Detailed ophthalmic and neurological evaluation was done, which revealed light near dissociation, vermiform iris movements, constriction to diluted pilocarpine with absent deep tendon reflexes. Laboratory investigation indicated mild iron deficiency anemia and reduced vitamin D3 level. On orthopedic evaluation she was diagnosed with right knee joint arthritis and grade 1 patellar chondromalacia. Neuroimaging was within normal limits. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) pelvis and lumbar spine showed left ovarian cyst, small periurethral cyst and small hemagioma in left sacral ala. A diagnosis of Holmes-Adie syndrome was made and she was prescribed photochromatic glasses.

M Vimisha, M Virna, Kumar Karthik, R Sharanya