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Learn About Autosomal Cleft Palate

What is the definition of Autosomal Cleft Palate?
Autosomal dominant cleft palate is a common genetic condition present at birth in which an infant has an abnormal opening in the roof of the mouth. This condition can also be associated with a cleft lip or other birth defects. Autosomal dominant cleft palate is an inherited condition passed on by one of the parents.
What are the symptoms of Autosomal Cleft Palate?
Symptoms of a cleft palate include a split in the hard palate (roof of the mouth) that is present at birth. Some cleft palates may occur in the soft palate at the back of the mouth (submucous cleft palate) and are not identified until later. Symptoms of submucous cleft palate may include poor feeding, difficulty swallowing, and chronic ear infections.
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What are the current treatments for Autosomal Cleft Palate?
Treatment for cleft palate is managed by a multidisciplinary care team of specialists and may include surgical cleft palate repair, reconstructive surgery, dental repair, antibiotics for ear infections, ear surgery, and speech therapy. Families that carry the autosomal dominant gene for cleft palate should also consider genetic counseling.
Who are the top Autosomal Cleft Palate Local Doctors?

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