Congenital Athymia Overview

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Condition 101 content is not available at this time, but we are continually updating the site. Please check back.

However, there may be experts who have treated this or similar conditions in our Find a Doctor section and research may be available in our Latest Advances section.

Who are the top Congenital Athymia Local Doctors?

No local doctors have been found near Tamuning, The United States. Expand the search radius or change your location here.

What are the latest Congenital Athymia Clinical Trials?
Congenital Athymia Patient Registry of RETHYMIC

Summary: This Congenital Athymia Patient Registry is an observational exposure-based registry study. It uses a prospective cohort design to follow patients who have been treated with RETHYMIC. Clinical studies conducted with investigational RETHYMIC showed that treatment can result in immune reconstitution and prolong life. This treatment-based registry is being conducted to learn more about the reconstitu...

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