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Learn About Congenital Heart Block

What is the definition of Congenital Heart Block?
Congenital heart block is a rare condition that affects the heart's electrical system, which controls and coordinates its pumping function. In infants affected by this condition, the electrical signal that spreads across the heart and causes it to contract and pump blood, is slowed or completely interrupted. This can interfere with the heart's normal rate and rhythm and may significantly limit the ability of the heart to pump blood to the rest of the body. Congenital heart block generally develops between 18 and 33 weeks of pregnancy. The underlying cause of the condition is poorly understood. However, mothers with lupus or another autoimmune diseases and parents with congenital heart disorders have an increased risk of having a child with a Congenital heart block.
What are the alternative names for Congenital Heart Block?
  • Congenital heart block
  • Heart block congenital
Who are the top Congenital Heart Block Local Doctors?

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What are the latest Congenital Heart Block Clinical Trials?
Home Monitoring of Fetal Heart Rhythm in Pregnancies of Anti-Ro/SSA Positive Women for the Treatment of Congenital Heart Block (FETAL HOPE)

Summary: Serological positivity for anti Ro-SSA antibodies is frequently found in pathologies such as Sjogren's Syndrome and SLE. Worldwide, approximately 0.5-1% of women of reproductive age are positive for Ro-SSA antibodies, and in 1-2% of these women, pregnancy will be complicated by cardiac abnormalities of the fetus, particularly varying degrees of atrioventricular block. It is essential to promptly i...

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Published Date: May 02, 2022
Published By: Genetic and Rare Diseases Informnation Center