Learn About Dracunculiasis

What is the definition of Dracunculiasis?
Dracunculiasis (Guinea worm disease) is a neglected tropical disease (NTD) characterized by a painful burning skin lesion from which the Dracunculus medinensis parasite emerges approximately 1 year after infection resulting from consumption of unsafe drinking water containing parasite-infected copepods (Cyclops spp., microcrustacea also called water fleas).
What are the alternative names for Dracunculiasis?
  • Dracunculiasis
  • GWD
  • Guinea worm disease
  • Guinea worm infection
  • Parasitic infection caused by Dracunculus medinensis
Who are the top Dracunculiasis Local Doctors?

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What are the latest Dracunculiasis Clinical Trials?
Modulation of Vaginal Microbiota by Lactobacillus Sp As a Probiotic and Immunomodulatory Agent in Postmenopausal Women with Bacterial Vaginosis

Summary: This study is a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial (RCT) aimed at evaluating the effects of Lactobacillus sp. probiotic administration on the vaginal microbiota changes in postmenopausal women with bacterial vaginosis and how its affect to immunology profile. Postmenopausal women diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis will be recruited as subjects as long as collected period in this study. All...

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Published Date: May 02, 2022
Published By: Genetic and Rare Diseases Informnation Center