Horseshoe Kidney Overview
Learn About Horseshoe Kidney
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However, there may be experts who have treated this or similar conditions in our Find a Doctor section and research may be available in our Latest Advances section.
Erlanger Health
Benjamin Waldorf is an Urologist in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Dr. Waldorf and is rated as an Advanced provider by MediFind in the treatment of Horseshoe Kidney. His top areas of expertise are Horseshoe Kidney, UPJ Obstruction, Obstructive Uropathy, Nephrectomy, and Ureteroscopy. Dr. Waldorf is currently accepting new patients.
Chattanooga Hamilton County Hospital Authority
Amar Singh is an Urologist in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Dr. Singh and is rated as an Experienced provider by MediFind in the treatment of Horseshoe Kidney. His top areas of expertise are Obstructive Uropathy, UPJ Obstruction, Bilateral Hydronephrosis, Reconstructive Urology Surgery, and Nephrectomy. Dr. Singh is currently accepting new patients.
West Tennessee Medical Group Inc
John Beddies is an Urologist in Jackson, Tennessee. Dr. Beddies and is rated as an Experienced provider by MediFind in the treatment of Horseshoe Kidney. His top areas of expertise are UPJ Obstruction, Urinary Tract Infection in Children, Kidney Stones, Ureteroscopy, and Nephrectomy.
Summary: Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome (INS) is a kidney disease characterized by massive proteinuria and hypoalbuminemia. It includes two anatomopathological entities: nephrotic syndrome with minimal glomerular lesions (SNLGM) and primary segmental and focal hyalinosis (PHF). Renal biopsy reveals a fusion of the feet of the podocytes without inflammatory lesions or deposits of immune complexes. Clinical a...