Retroperitoneal Inflammation Approved Drugs
These are drugs that have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), meaning they have been determined to be safe and effective for use in Retroperitoneal Inflammation.
Found 1 Approved Drug for Retroperitoneal Inflammation
Brand Names
Isovue 300, Isovue-M, Isovue 200, Isovue 250, Isovue 370
Brand Names
Isovue 300, Isovue-M, Isovue 200, Isovue 250, Isovue 370
Form: Injection
Method of administration: Intrathecal, Intravenous, Intravascular
FDA approval date: December 31, 1985
Classification: Radiographic Contrast Agent
ISOVUE-M (lopamidol Injection) is indicated for intrathecal administration in adult neuroradiology including myelography (lumbar, thoracic, cervical, total columnar), and for contrast enhancement of computed tomographic (CECT) cisternography and ventriculography. ISOVUE-M 200 (lopamidol Injection) is indicated for thoraco-lumbar myelography in children over the age of two years.
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