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Last Updated: 01/21/2025
A Multicenter, Stepped Wedge, Cluster Randomized Study of a Prehospital Sepsis Protocol and Its Impact on Timely Antibiotic Administration in the Emergency Department and Subsequent Adverse Events
Summary: The primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) based sepsis screening and early warning protocol on the timing of early sepsis care in the Emergency Department (ED).
A Study of Viral Burden in Peripheral Blood Versus Lymphoid and Bone Marrow Tissue in People Living With HIV
Summary: Our laboratory has previously demonstrated that lymph nodes are a major reservoir for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and a major site of active virus replication in infected individuals. There is at least a 10 fold greater viral burden per given number of CD4+ T lymphocytes obtained from the lymph nodes versus the peripheral blood in the same infected individual. These data have been accumulat...
Early Prednisolone for Suspected Community-acquired Acute Respiratory Tract Infection (PREDICATE): A Double-blind, Randomised, Multi-centre, Adaptive Platform, Controlled Trial
Summary: Background The goal of this clinical trial is to learn if prednisolone works to treat moderate to severe respiratory tract infections in adults admitted to hospital. It will also learn about the safety of prednisolone in this context. The main questions it aims to answer are: Does prednisolone lower the number of participants who develop sepsis or who survive? What medical problems do participants...
Multicenter Observational Prospective Open Pilot Study of Changes in the Total Clearance of Antibacterial Agents During Hemoperfusion Using Efferon LPS in Patients With Sepsis
Summary: One of the significants health problems in the world is sepsis, with the number of cases reaching 20-30 million per year, according to the WHO. Numerous studies have shown that the use of extracorporeal methods improves outcomes in patients with septic shock. Safety parameters are particularly important in deciding whether to initiate such therapy in a patient. To date, numerous post-marketing obs...
Role of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation to Prevent Respiratory Muscle Weakness in Critically Ill Patients and Its Association to Changes in Myokines Profile. a Randomized Clinical Trial.
Summary: Particularly, muscle respiratory wasting will occur early (18 to 69 hours) in up to 60% of patients with mechanical ventilation (MV), leading rapidly to diaphragmatic weakness, which is associated with prolonged MV use, longer ICU and hospital stay, and higher mortality risk. Sepsis and muscle inactivity, derived from sedation and MV use, are key driver mechanisms for developing these consequences...
Combination of Leukocyte Cell Surface Biomarkers Measured by Cytometry, to Differentiate Bacterial From Viral Infections in Emergency Department: a Multicentric Cohort for the Validation of Diagnostic Performances
Summary: The characterization of the bacterial or viral etiology of an infectious event is required for both isolation decisions and rationale use of antibiotics. In emergency room (ER), the direct identification of the causal pathogen is rarely available in real-time. Alternative is the identification of the host-response to either a bacterial or viral infection. One of this host-response is the expressio...
Correlation of the European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation-II (EUROSCORE-II) With Preoperative Score to Predict Post-Operative Mortality (POSPOM) in Cardiac Surgery: A Single Center, Retrospective, Cross- Sectional Study
Summary: In cardiac surgery patients, due to the surgical burden combined with existing comorbidities, evaluating the preoperative clinical status of patients and predicting mortality rates has become an important issue of interest for clinicians. For this purpose, mortality has been predicted with various scoring systems. EUROSCORE is a scoring system used worldwide that predicts preoperative mortality fo...
A Randomized Comparative Phase II Trial Evaluating the Capacity of the Dual Combination Doravirine/Raltegravir to Maintain Virological Success in HIV-1 Infected Patients With an HIV-RNA Plasma Viremia Below 50 Copies/mL Under a Current Antiretroviral Regimen
Summary: The objective of antiretroviral therapy (ART) is the maintenance of HIV viral suppression, the optimal condition to prevent disease progression, to optimize immune restoration, to prevent the development of viral resistance and to reduce viral transmission. Antiretroviral therapy has to be maintained long life over decades in the absence of strategies for HIV cure. This is why the long-term cumula...
Azithromycin Prophylaxis for Prelabor Cesarean Delivery Trial
Summary: This is a phase-III multi-center double-blind randomized controlled trial of 8,000 individuals undergoing a scheduled or prelabor cesarean delivery who are randomized to either adjunctive azithromycin prophylaxis or to placebo. Both groups also will receive standard of care preoperative antibiotics (excluding azithromycin). The primary endpoint is a maternal infection composite defined as any one ...
Neutrophil Phenotypic Profiling and Organ Injury Assessment in Patients With Sepsis
Summary: In this research study we want to learn more about the character of neutrophils that are present in the blood of children with sepsis. Sepsis is a severe type of infection, affecting various parts of the body. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that are part of the body's immune system. Even though neutrophils are important in getting rid of germs, they also may be harmful to parts of the ...
Expression Profiles of Integrin αDβ2 on Neutrophils in Sepsis
Summary: In this research study we want to learn more about the characteristics of neutrophils that are present in the blood and secretions from a breathing tube of patients with sepsis. Sepsis is a severe type of infection, affecting various parts of the body. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that are part of the body's immune system. Even though neutrophils are important in getting rid of germs...
Beta-Lactam Antibiotics InitiaL ExpoSure OptimisEd in CriticallY Ill Patients with SEpsis
Summary: The aim of this study is to investigate if an initial short double dose of beta-lactam antibiotics will reduce mortality in critically ill patients with sepsis.
Last Updated: 01/21/2025