Risk Information and Skin-Cancer Education and Undergraduate Prevention Trial

Status: Recruiting
Location: See location...
Intervention Type: Behavioral
Study Type: Interventional
Study Phase: Phase 3

The proposed study is a Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) that uses factorial experiments to evaluate individual and combined effects of intervention components to improve intervention efficiency. The study team anticipates enrolling a total of 528 undergraduate students (\>18 years) into the trial to identify intervention approaches that eliminate sunburn, and secondarily to motivate sun protection and discourage tanning. The study team will test personalized risk components: 1) UV Photo, 2) Action Plan, and 3) MC1R Testing. A full factorial experiment will be conducted to test which of the proposed components or their combinations eliminate sunburn over one year. The study team will also examine effects of the intervention on secondary outcomes. Study assessments will be completed at 4 time points: baseline, 1-month post-intervention, 4-months post-intervention, and 15-months post-intervention.

Participation Requirements
Sex: All
Minimum Age: 18
Healthy Volunteers: t

• At least 18 years old

• Enrolled as an undergraduate student

• Report having at least one sunburn in the last year, AND/OR having tanned indoors at least once in the last year, AND/OR intentional or unintentional outdoor tanning sometimes, often, or always, AND/OR or using sunscreen plus one or more other sun protection behavior (protective clothing use, shade use when outdoors) infrequently (never, seldom, or sometimes).

United States
Huntsman Cancer Institute
Salt Lake City
Contact Information
Ben Weitzman
(801) 646-4351
Time Frame
Start Date: 2023-04-24
Estimated Completion Date: 2027-06
Target number of participants: 528
Experimental: Education + Action Plan + UV Photo + MC1R Test
Students in this intervention will receive education on skin cancer and prevention strategies, complete an individualized sun protection and tanning worksheet for situations in which they receive UVR exposure, receive a printout of a photo of their face in visible light and UV light from the VISIA Complexion Analysis system, and provide a saliva sample using an Oragene® clinical-grade saliva kit and receive individualized results following MC1R sequencing.
Experimental: Education + Action Plan + UV Photo
Students in this intervention will receive education on skin cancer and prevention strategies, complete an individualized sun protection and tanning worksheet for situations in which they receive UVR exposure, and receive a printout of a photo of their face in visible light and UV light from the VISIA Complexion Analysis system.
Experimental: Education + Action Plan + MC1R Test
Students in this intervention will receive education on skin cancer and prevention strategies, complete an individualized sun protection and tanning worksheet for situations in which they receive UVR exposure, and provide a saliva sample using an Oragene® clinical-grade saliva kit and receive individualized results following MC1R sequencing.
Experimental: Education + Action Plan
Students in this intervention will receive education on skin cancer and prevention strategies and complete an individualized sun protection and tanning worksheet for situations in which they receive UVR exposure.
Experimental: Education + UV Photo + MC1R Test
Students in this intervention will receive education on skin cancer and prevention strategies, receive a printout of a photo of their face in visible light and UV light from the VISIA Complexion Analysis system, and provide a saliva sample using an Oragene® clinical-grade saliva kit and receive individualized results following MC1R sequencing.
Experimental: Education + UV Photo
Students in this intervention will receive education on skin cancer and prevention strategies and receive a printout of a photo of their face in visible light and UV light from the VISIA Complexion Analysis system.
Experimental: Education + MC1R Test
Students in this intervention will receive education on skin cancer and prevention strategies and provide a saliva sample using an Oragene® clinical-grade saliva kit and receive individualized results following MC1R sequencing.
Experimental: Education
Students in this intervention will receive education on skin cancer and prevention strategies.
Related Therapeutic Areas
Leads: University of Utah
Collaborators: Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

This content was sourced from clinicaltrials.gov