An Assessment of Acute Solar UV-induced PD-L1/PD1 Expression in Sun Damaged & Sun Protected Human Skin of Participants With and Without History of SCC

Status: Recruiting
Location: See location...
Intervention Type: Other
Study Type: Interventional
Study Phase: Not Applicable

The purpose of this research study is to look at how the proteins and genes in people's skin change when they're exposed to simulated sunlight. The researchers want to see if there are differences between people who've had skin cancer and those who haven't despite having a similar type of skin and history of sun exposure. Since this study is designed to simulate sun exposure to small areas of skin, mild to moderate sunburn and tanned spots at the site of the simulated sunlight exposure is a risk. In addition to simulated sun exposure, patients will also have four 6 mm punch skin biopsies performed. Brief discomfort may be felt when the local painkiller (lidocaine) is injected prior to skin biopsies; however, it is usually minimal. Participation in the study involves 4 visits to the clinic over the course of 4 weeks. Each visit will take no longer than 90 minutes.

Participation Requirements
Sex: All
Minimum Age: 40
Healthy Volunteers: t

• Healthy individuals 40 years of age or older. Note: When the two groups are paired, participants will be balanced within 5 years of age. Ex. From 2.5 years younger or 2.5 years older.

• Individuals with moderate or severe photodamage of the skin on the forearms and Fitzpatrick skin type II or III (21 CFR 352.72).

• Individuals with a history of two or more cSCCs within the past 5 years (maximum of 23 enrolled) or individuals with no history of cSCC (maximum of 23 enrolled)

• Females of childbearing potential will need to undergo a pregnancy test at the enrollment visit, after administration of the ICF (informed consent form) and before exposure to solar simulated light (SSL) Premenopausal female subjects must use an effective method of birth control (such as oral contraceptives, consistent use of barrier contraceptives, IUD (intrauterine device), or other proven method of birth control) during study participation. For the purposes of this study, a woman will be considered postmenopausal if any of the following criteria are met: (1) she has had prior bilateral oophorectomy; (2) she is over the age of 60 years; or (3) she is under the age of 60 years and has not had a menstrual period in 12 or more months in the absence of chemotherapy, tamoxifen, toremifene, or ovarian suppression.

• Individuals who are willing to limit sun exposure to the body during the study period and who agree to wear protective clothing when they are outdoors.

• Individuals who have the ability to understand and willingness to sign an informed consent before initiation of study procedures, after the nature of the study is explained to them and they have had the opportunity to ask any questions.

United States
University of Arizona Cancer Center
Contact Information
Stephanie Soto
Time Frame
Start Date: 2023-12-26
Estimated Completion Date: 2025-12-31
Target number of participants: 46
Other: Cohort A - history of > 2 Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC)
Participants who have a history of squamous cell skin cancer (n=23) will be exposed to acute solar simulated light (SSL). Participants must have sun damage on the forearm, based on a standardized clinical photodamage scale (Hu C, Curiel-Lewandrowski C. Archives of Dermatology, 2011; 147(1):31-36). Each subject will act as his/her own control to minimize inter-subject variability. Subjects from each cohort will be matched based on age and gender.
Other: Cohort B - no history of cSCC
Participants without a history of squamous cell skin cancer (n=23) will be exposed to acute solar simulated light (SSL). Participants must have sun damage on the forearm, based on a standardized clinical photodamage scale (Hu C, Curiel-Lewandrowski C. Archives of Dermatology, 2011; 147(1):31-36). Each subject will act as his/her own control to minimize inter-subject variability.
Related Therapeutic Areas
Collaborators: National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Leads: University of Arizona

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