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          Last Updated: 03/06/2025

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          3 clinical trials

          Whole Genetic Approach in Early Genetic Identification of Obesity (WEGIO)

          Summary: TITLE: Whole genetic approach in Early Genetic Identification of Obesity (WEGIO) DESIGN: Multicenter epidemiological study STUDY POPULATION: Participants at risk for a syndromic or a monogenic genetic obesity, incl. participants clinically diagnosed with Bardet-Biedl-Syndrome (BBS) NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: 1000 for initial genetic sequencing and app. 40 for the follow-up documentation COORDINATING ...

          Motiva Flora® Tissue Expander as a Support for the Creation of an Autologous Adipose Matrix for Hybrid Breast Reconstruction: a Pivotal Study

          Summary: The present study will be based on a hybrid breast reconstruction approach with initial skin expansion using the Motiva Flora® Tissue Expander followed by a serial fat grafting session and a final step that includes the placement of a permanent breast implant Ergonomix2®.

          GROWing Up With Rare GENEtic Syndromes ….When Children With Complex Genetic Syndromes Reach Adult Age

          Summary: Introduction Rare complex syndromes Patients with complex genetic syndromes, by definition, have combined medical problems affecting multiple organ systems, and intellectual disability is often part of the syndrome. During childhood, patients with rare genetic syndromes receive multidisciplinary and specialized medical care; they usually receive medical care from 3-4 medical specialists. Increased...

          Showing 1-3 of 3

          Last Updated: 03/06/2025