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          Last Updated: 03/06/2025

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          11 clinical trials

          VIBRENT- VIBRating Vs Traditional Therapy for Treatment of ENTry Dyspareunia

          Summary: The goal of this randomized controlled trial is to determine whether the use of a novel vibrating pelvic floor therapeutic device (Kiwi) improves sexual function in sexually active women aged 18 and older with genito-pelvic pain and penetration disorder (GPPPD) more effectively than traditional vaginal dilators. The main questions it aims to answer are: 1. Does the use of the Kiwi device lead to h...

          Acupuncture in a Multidisciplinary Approach for Vulvodynia and Chronic Pelvic Pain

          Background: Vulvodynia and chronic pelvic pain (CPP) are common and challenging gynecologic pain syndromes. A multidisciplinary approach is recommended. Study aim: To study the effectiveness of acupuncture as part of a multimodal treatment for women with vulvodynia and CPP.

          A Prospective Longitudinal Data Bank Creation to Study Vaginal Conditions With a Novel Diagnostic Approach

          Summary: The purpose of this study is to identify and elucidate the pattern and perhaps role of atypical proteins, cytokines and vaginal microbial flora in the pathogenic mechanisms involved in the development of vulvodynia, recurrent fungal and bacterial vaginosis and preterm labor.

          Vestibulectomy: A Prospective Comparison of Two Surgical Techniques for the Treatment of Provoked Localized Vulvodynia (PVD)

          Summary: Vestibulectomy Surgical Techniques Comparison Study

          Lasertherapy for Vulvodynia

          Summary: The study aims to assess the efficacy, acceptance and safety profile of vulvovaginal laser therapy in women with vulvodynia.

          Analysis of the Understanding of the French Translation of the Vulvar Pain Assessment Questionnaire (VPAQscreen) and Its Supplemental Scales (VPAQdesc, VPAQcope and VPAQpartner).

          Summary: Prior to the current study, a translation into french of the screening version of the VPAQ (VPAQscreen) and its supplemental scales (VPAQdesc, VPAQcope, VPAQpartner) was performed according to the recommended process. The present study aims to evaluate the understanding of this translation on a panel of 30 women suffering from provoked or mixed vestibulodynia.

          Treatment and Mapping of Self-compassion, Perfectionism, Stress, Anxiety and Impostor Phenomenon in Patients With Different Dermatological Diseases and Pain

          Summary: The aim of this study is to evaluate persons/patients with different skin diseases or pain to evaluate whether unhealthy perfectionism, stress, anxiety, impostor phenomenon (inability to realistically assess your competence and skills) and lack of self-compassion (a positive attitude towards ourselves), have impact on symptoms, handling, and treatment regarding some dermatological diseases/pain.

          Therapeutic Efficacy of Erbium:YAG Laser in Postpartum Patients With Episiotomy Scars in Respect of Genital Pelvic Pain and Scar Tissue Healing: A Randomized Sham-Controlled Prospective Study

          Summary: Episiotomy is a planned surgical incision to the perineum and posterior wall of the vagina during the second stage of labor. The fibrotic and sclerotic scar tissue formed as part of the healing process of episiotomies may cause pain. Therefore, episiotomy is associated with sexual dysfunction due to the painful sexual intercourse, chronic pain and infections and scarring in long term. Er:YAG laser...

          Investigating the Effectiveness of PelvicSense(R) on Pain and Sexual Outcomes in Provoked Vestibulodynia

          Summary: This study will examine the effectiveness of the PelvicSense 3-month online program on pain and other outcomes in those with provoked vestibulodynia. This study is prospective in nature and will involve several assessment points: baseline, immediately post-treatment (at the end of the 3 month program), and 3-month follow up. All aspects of the study will be conducted remotely (e.g., online, email,...

          Effectiveness of Low-doses of Naltrexone (LDN) on Pain Perception and Quality of Life in Women With Vulvodynia

          Summary: Vulvodynia (Vd) is chronic functional vulvar pain, with prevalence of 3-16% and unclear etiopathology. Although Vd significantly deteriorates quality of life, the problem is marginalized, no pharmacologic treatment standards exist. Naltrexone hydrochloride is a specific opioid antagonist with slight agonist activity. There is growing body of evidence supporting the effectiveness of low-dose naltre...

          Effectiveness and Cost-utility of Somatocognitive Therapy Versus Treatment as Usual for Provoked (Localized) Vestibulodynia - a Randomized Clinical Trial (ProLoVe Study)

          Summary: This is a two-arm randomized clinical trial assessing effectiveness of somatocognitive therapy versus treatment as usual for provoked vestibulodynia (PVD). PVD is a common, but under-treated persistent pain condition, mostly affecting young women in their late teens and early 20s. It is the most frequent cause of pain during sexual intercourse affecting around 10% of women in the general populatio...

          Showing 1-11 of 11

          Last Updated: 03/06/2025