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Hand Surgeon Search Results
MediFind found 40 specialists near Houston, TX
James Bennett is a Hand Surgeon in Houston, Texas. Dr. Bennett is highly rated in 7 conditions, according to our data. His top areas of expertise are Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Dupuytren Contracture, Rhizarthrosis, and Trigger Thumb. Dr. Bennett is currently accepting new patients.
Roc-Houston PA
Marcos Masson is a Hand Surgeon and an Orthopedics provider in Houston, Texas. Dr. Masson has been practicing medicine for over 40 years is highly rated in 1 condition, according to our data. His top areas of expertise are Osteoarthritis, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Brachial Plexopathy, and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Ortholonestar PLLC
Randy Luo is a Hand Surgeon in Houston, Texas. Dr. Luo is highly rated in 3 conditions, according to our data. His top areas of expertise are Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Rhizarthrosis, Radial Nerve Dysfunction, and Arthritis. Dr. Luo is currently accepting new patients.
Tmh Physician Associates PLLC
Todd Siff is a Hand Surgeon and an Orthopedics provider in Houston, Texas. Dr. Siff is highly rated in 11 conditions, according to our data. His top areas of expertise are Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Trigger Thumb, Ganglion Cyst, and Dupuytren Contracture. Dr. Siff is currently accepting new patients.
Tmh Physician Associates PLLC
Alan Rosen is a Hand Surgeon and an Orthopedics provider in Houston, Texas. Dr. Rosen is highly rated in 11 conditions, according to our data. His top areas of expertise are Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Ganglion Cyst, Rhizarthrosis, and Trigger Thumb. Dr. Rosen is currently accepting new patients.
Mark Henry is a Hand Surgeon and an Orthopedics provider in Houston, Texas. Dr. Henry is highly rated in 9 conditions, according to our data. His top areas of expertise are Rhizarthrosis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Dupuytren Contracture, Kienbock's Disease, and Bone Graft.
UT Physicians
Matthew Jordan is a Hand Surgeon and an Orthopedics provider in Houston, Texas. Dr. Jordan is highly rated in 5 conditions, according to our data. His top areas of expertise are Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Dupuytren Contracture, Rhizarthrosis, Radial Nerve Dysfunction, and Hip Replacement. Dr. Jordan is currently accepting new patients in some locations.
Tmh Physician Associates PLLC
Kourosh Jafarnia is a Hand Surgeon and an Orthopedics provider in Houston, Texas. Dr. Jafarnia is highly rated in 4 conditions, according to our data. His top areas of expertise are Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Dupuytren Contracture, Ganglion Cyst, and Tennis Elbow. Dr. Jafarnia is currently accepting new patients.
Carlos Murillo is a Plastic Surgeon and a General Surgeon in Houston, Texas. Dr. Murillo is highly rated in 2 conditions, according to our data. His top areas of expertise are Cellulitis, Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Peptic Ulcer, Necrosis, and Gastrostomy. Dr. Murillo is currently accepting new patients in some locations.
UT Physicians
Courtney Amor is an Orthopedics specialist and a Hand Surgeon in Houston, Texas. Dr. Amor is highly rated in 2 conditions, according to our data. His top areas of expertise are Scaphoid Non-Union, Rhizarthrosis, Hemangiopericytoma, and Ganglion Cyst. Dr. Amor is currently accepting new patients in some locations.
Carter Crouch is a Hand Surgeon and an Orthopedics provider in Houston, Texas. Dr. Crouch is highly rated in 2 conditions, according to our data. His top areas of expertise are Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Synovitis, Trigger Thumb, and Tenosynovitis. Dr. Crouch is currently accepting new patients.
Hand Surgery Specialists Of Houston
Mark Khorsandi is a Hand Surgeon and a General Surgeon in Houston, Texas. Dr. Khorsandi is highly rated in 1 condition, according to our data. His top areas of expertise are Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Rhizarthrosis, Ganglion Cyst, and Trigger Thumb. Dr. Khorsandi is currently accepting new patients.
UT Physicians
Yuewei Wu-Fienberg is a Plastic Surgeon and a Hand Surgeon in Houston, Texas. Dr. Wu-Fienberg is highly rated in 1 condition, according to our data. Her top area of expertise is Phantom Limb Pain. Dr. Wu-Fienberg is currently accepting new patients.
UT Physicians
Dean Smith is a Hand Surgeon and an Orthopedics provider in Houston, Texas. Dr. Smith is highly rated in 1 condition, according to our data. His top areas of expertise are Rhizarthrosis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tendinitis, Tenotomy, and Fasciotomy. Dr. Smith is currently accepting new patients.
Tmh Physicians And Surgeons, PLLC
Steven Gordon is a Plastic Surgeon and a Hand Surgeon in Houston, Texas. Dr. Gordon is highly rated in 1 condition, according to our data. His top areas of expertise are Radial Nerve Dysfunction, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and Rhizarthrosis.
Baylor College Of Medicine
Adil Ahmed is a Hand Surgeon and an Orthopedics provider in Houston, Texas. Dr. Ahmed has been practicing medicine for over 9 years is highly rated in 1 condition, according to our data. His top areas of expertise are Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Frozen Shoulder, Mononeuritis Multiplex, and Erb's Palsy. Dr. Ahmed is currently accepting new patients.
Roc-Houston PA
Fernando Levaro is a Plastic Surgeon and a Hand Surgeon in Houston, Texas. His top areas of expertise are Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Rhizarthrosis. Dr. Levaro is currently accepting new patients.
UT Physicians
Kyle Woerner is a Hand Surgeon and an Orthopedics provider in Houston, Texas. Dr. Woerner has been practicing medicine for over 16 years. His top areas of expertise are Contracture Deformity, Radial Nerve Dysfunction, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and Ganglion Cyst. Dr. Woerner is currently accepting new patients in some locations.
UT Physicians
David Wainwright is a Plastic Surgeon and a Hand Surgeon in Houston, Texas. His top areas of expertise are Keloids and Breast Enlargement In Males. Dr. Wainwright is currently accepting new patients.
Baylor College Of Medicine
Scott Mitchell is a Hand Surgeon and an Orthopedics provider in Houston, Texas. His top areas of expertise are Trigger Thumb, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Ganglion Cyst, and Tenosynovitis. Dr. Mitchell is currently accepting new patients.
Michael L Eisemann MD PA Facs
Michael Eisemann is a Plastic Surgeon and a Hand Surgeon in Houston, Texas. His top area of expertise is Breast Enlargement In Males. Dr. Eisemann is currently accepting new patients.
Tmh Physicians And Surgeons, PLLC
Richard Siy is a Plastic Surgeon and a Hand Surgeon in Houston, Texas. His top area of expertise is Breast Enlargement In Males. Dr. Siy is currently accepting new patients in some locations.
Barbara Wilson is a General Surgeon and a Hand Surgeon in Houston, Texas. Her top areas of expertise are Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Rhizarthrosis, and Gangrene. Dr. Wilson is currently accepting new patients.
Southwest Orthopedic Group, Llp
Jeffrey Budoff is a Hand Surgeon and an Orthopedics provider in Houston, Texas. His top area of expertise is Hypermobile Joints.
James Stafford is a Hand Surgeon and an Orthopedics provider in Houston, Texas. His top areas of expertise are Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Rhizarthrosis, Infectious Arthritis, and Dupuytren Contracture.
When should I see a Hand Surgeon near Houston, TX?
There are various reasons why you may want to see a specialist, such as:
- Your primary care provider recommends it.
- Your condition requires expert knowledge and specialized care.
- Your symptoms persist or worsen despite treatment.
- You need specialized testing or procedures.
- You want a second opinion.
What should I consider when choosing a Hand Surgeon near Houston, TX?
It’s important to see a provider with expertise in your specific condition. Each provider profile in MediFind’s doctor database includes information on which conditions they treat, years of experience, research contributions, languages spoken, insurance plans accepted, and more.
How do I find the best Hand Surgeon near Houston, TX?
You can find a Hand Surgeon in any of the 10 largest U.S. cities by clicking below:
Hand Surgeon near New York, NY
Hand Surgeon near Los Angeles, CA
Hand Surgeon near Chicago, IL
Hand Surgeon near Houston, TX
Hand Surgeon near Phoenix, AZ
Hand Surgeon near Philadelphia, PA
Hand Surgeon near Atlanta, GA
Hand Surgeon near Boston, MA
Hand Surgeon near Dallas, TX
Hand Surgeon near San Jose, CA
How does MediFind rank Hand Surgeons near Houston, TX?
MediFind’s rankings are based on a variety of data sources, such as the number of articles a doctor has published in medical journals, participation in clinical trials and industry conferences, as well as the number of patients that provider sees for a given condition. Note that MediFind’s provider database is not based on user reviews, and providers do not pay to be included in the database.
What types of insurance are accepted by Hand Surgeons near Houston, TX?
Most profiles in MediFind’s doctor database include a list of insurance plans accepted by that provider. However, it’s a good idea to contact the provider’s office to make sure they still accept your insurance, then doublecheck by contacting your insurance plan to confirm they’re in network.
How can I book an appointment online with a Hand Surgeon in Houston?
MediFind offers direct scheduling for certain providers using the “Request Appointment” button on that provider’s profile. If the schedule option is not available for a provider, tap the red “Show Phone Number” button on their profile to get their contact information. If you prefer to find providers who offer online scheduling, select “Schedules online” under the “Availability” category of the filter feature on the left side of the Hand Surgeon search results page.
Why is it important to get a second opinion from a different Hand Surgeon?
Second opinions are an opportunity to confirm a diagnosis and its root cause, learn about alternative treatment options, or simply gain peace of mind. Many people, especially those with serious diagnoses, get second opinions so they can understand all their options and make informed decisions, so don’t hesitate to get one if you have any doubts or need more information or clarification regarding your care. Note that some insurance plans require second opinions, while others don’t cover second opinions, so be sure to confirm with your insurance provider first.
How can I prepare for my appointment with a Hand Surgeon near Houston, TX?
Prepare for your appointment by gathering the following items:
- Copies of medical records (dating back at least one year)
- Your medical history, including illnesses, medical conditions, surgeries, and other doctors you see
- Family history of disease
- List of current prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal remedies or supplements including names and doses
- Allergies to medications, food, latex, insects, etc.
- List of questions and concerns
- Your insurance card
You might also contact the provider’s office to see if they offer transportation or childcare services or if you’re allowed to bring a loved one for support or to take notes during your visit.
What questions should I ask my Hand Surgeon?
Here are some sample questions:
- Can you explain in simple terms what this condition is and how it’s treated?
- What symptoms or side effects should I watch for?
- What tests will be involved, and when can I expect results?
- Are there other specialists I need to see?
- What’s the best way to reach you if I have follow-up questions?
How can I learn about the latest clinical trials and research advances my Hand Surgeon may know about?
MediFind’s Clinical Trials tool asks you a series of questions to help you narrow down your search by health condition, age, gender, location, how far you’re willing to travel, and more. Each question you answer filters down the number of trials until you find the ones that are most relevant to you.
MediFind’s Latest Advances tool features summaries of recent articles published in medical journals. We use cutting-edge technology to scour medical publication databases for the latest research advancements on any given condition, then we simplify this information in a way that’s useful and easy to understand.
Can I filter my search to show male or female Hand Surgeons near Houston, TX?
Look for the filter feature on the left side of the Hand Surgeon search results page. Select “Female” or “Male” under the “Gender” category to search for female or male providers exclusively. If the “Any” option is selected, it will pull results for both male and female providers.
Can I filter my search to find a Hand Surgeon that offers video calls?
Look for the filter feature on the left-side of the Hand Surgeon search results page. Select “Offers telehealth visits” under the Availability category to search for providers who offer virtual appointments (video calls).
What is a “Featured” result?
Search results for a Hand Surgeon near Houston, TX may include “Featured” results that appear at the top of the page above MediFind’s organic hand surgery results. “Featured” results include a blue banner and the label “Featured” so that you can tell them apart from the organic search results.
Hand Surgeon may be included in the “Featured” section for various reasons, such as if the providers offers additional features like appointment booking options.
A provider’s listing in “Featured” results does not impact their MediFind expertise rating.