Severe Acute Porphyria Exacerbation Post Intravenous Iron Infusion: A Case Report.
This case report describes a 28-year-old man with erythropoietic porphyria (EPP). After receiving an intravenous iron infusion, he experienced a significant acute aggravation of his condition. The patient had a vesicular rash on the face and arms with severe itching and burning feelings in addition to nausea, vomiting, and black-colored vomit. Abnormal liver function tests and anemia were found in the lab tests. Quick diagnosis and multidisciplinary care from dermatology, gastrointestinal, and hematology experts were essential. Strict light avoidance, symptom management techniques, and cessation of intravenous iron were all part of the treatment plan. The patient's symptoms subsided over a period of 12 months, and he resumed his regular activities. In managing EPP, key learning points stress the importance of vigilance in spotting trigger variables, prompt diagnosis, light avoidance, consistent follow-up, and genetic counseling.