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Last Updated: 03/06/2025
A Natural History Study Evaluating the Use of Multimodal Signal Acquisition Techniques to Characterize Movement in Children and Young Adults With Movement Disorders
Background: Cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common motor disorder that affects children. People with CP have weak muscles; they may have trouble controlling the movements of their arms and legs. Researchers have been developing braces called robotic exoskeletons for people with CP. These devices can adapt to the person s movements and help them move better. This natural history study will explore new technolo...
Whole Body Metabolism in Children with Cerebral Palsy with Low Skeletal Muscle Mass
Summary: At the center of pediatrics in Copenhagen the investigators experience that the children with CP with low skeletal muscle mass have more complications and admission after for example surgery is prolonged due to these complications. In order to prevent malnutrition and energy insufficiency as well as obesity and cardiometabolic disorders in adulthood, and with the aim of defining biomarkers for ene...
Evaluation of Spatial Navigation Skills in Typically Developing Children and in Children with Cerebral Palsy Using a Head Mounted Display
Summary: Spatial navigation skills are very important in everyday activities and quality of life but spatial navigation abilities are not part of the standard process of assessment and rehabilitation of patients. Furthermore, it is known that children with cerebral palsy have impaired visuo-spatial competences. The main objective of this study is to evaluate and compare the spatial navigation abilities of ...
Comparison of Rehabilitative Game Exercise and Body Awareness Therapy in Rotator Cuff Syndrome
Summary: Rotator cuff syndrome is one of the most common problems in the shoulder, starting as acute tendinopathy and progressing to partial and full thickness tears. Shoulder pain causes a decrease in shoulder joint movement, joint position sense, upper extremity function and quality of life. Among the most commonly used conservative treatment methods; Joint range of motion exercises, stretching exercises...
Determination of the Optimal Cut Off Value of the Modified Ashworth Scale in the Evaluation of Gait Performance and Functional Mobility in Individuals with Cerebral Palsy
Summary: The spastic type, which is the most common type of CP, constitutes approximately 75% of individuals. The most prominent physical examination finding in patients with CP is marked tonus changes. Increased tonus and involuntary movement patterns are frequently observed clinically. Today, the Modified Ashworth Scale is mostly used in the evaluation of spasticity in individuals. Ashworth scale was def...
Effects of Modified Constraint Induced Movement Therapy Versus Virtual Reality Training in Children With Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy
Summary: Children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (CP) are characterized by motor impairments mainly lateralized to one side of the body, with greater upper limb than lower limb involvement; these impairments may further limit the daily activities and school participation of children with hemiplegic CP. For the improvement of activity limitations in hemipelagic cerebral palsy children will take 20 hemiplegi...
Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Electroencephalography to Assess and Train Cortical Activation During Motor Tasks
Background: - Two ways to study the brain while people are moving are near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and electroencephalography (EEG). NIRS uses light to look at blood flow in the brain when it is active. EEG records electrical activity in the brain. Both have been used safely for many years, even in very young children. NIRS or EEG can be used while a person is moving to show which parts of the brain are ...
The Efficacy of Fascial Manipulation Compared to Stretching in the Rehabilitation of Children With Cerebral Palsy
Summary: The purpose of the study is to investigate the potential additional benefits of a relatively new physiotherapy method, fascial manipulation, in the rehabilitation of movement difficulties or other problems caused by CP (cerebral palsy). A physiotherapist specialized in fascial manipulation specifically treats the muscle fascia, which plays a central role in the problems associated with CP. Fascial...
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain in Adults with Cerebral Palsy
Summary: The purpose of this study is to understand if cognitive behavioral therapy can feasibly be provided to groups of adults with cerebral palsy and chronic pain via virtual group therapy sessions.
Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Electroencephalography to Assess Cortical Activation During Motor Tasks in Infants and Toddlers With or at High-risk for Cerebral Palsy and Autism Spectrum Disorder Compared to Infants and Toddlers With Typical Development
Background: New ways to study the brain as people move include near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and electroencephalography (EEG). NIRS uses laser light shone through the scalp to look at blood flow in the brain which increases with movement. EEG records electrical activity in the brain. Little is known about brain activity while children learn new motor skills. Researchers want to learn more about how small ...
Effects of Talocrural Joint Mobilization With Movement in Spastic Cerebral Palsy Patients
Summary: The aim of this randomized controlled trial is to find the effect of Mulligan's Mobilization with Movement of Talocrural joint in Cerebral Palsy Patients having spasticity on improving Ankle Range of Motion, improving balance and its effect on Gait speed.
Post-market Study to Demonstrate the Safety and Performance of an Extension Assist Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (Agilik) to Improve Gait in Children with Cerebral Palsy
Summary: The purpose of this post market study is to demonstrate the safety and performance of a powered extension assist (EA) knee ankle foot orthosis (KAFO), or EA-KAFO, in individuals with knee extension deficiency due to cerebral palsy (CP). The EA-KAFO tested in this investigation, whose commercial name is Agilik™, is registered as a Class 1 medical device in the European (EU) Medical Device Regulatio...
Last Updated: 03/06/2025